Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Packed - With a Surprise

So I managed to get most of my stuff into the car - leaving enough room for myself and myself only. I have no back window and must sit up high in the seat to look through my right rearview mirror. The tires look like they're going to scrape the wheel well if I pack any more items into my car. Keep your fingers crossed that my Mazda can hack the long drive with all this weight.

When I first arrived in Oklahoma, I was warned of the many spiders native to the area - specifically the brown recluse. I have been here since November and have never even seen a spider....until today.

I found this monster hiding under my sink in a box full of rags. I should have known better to be keeping a box full of rags in a dark cupboard. When I pulled the box of rags out from under my sink, he was only a few inches from my hand.

After changing my underwear and snapping a few pictures, I swished him outside with a broom and quickly closed the door. This guy was so big that he made a nice thud when he hit the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh! The girls and I are totally creeped out by spiders Eric! I believe we would have left STAT. You seem to be truely enjoying what you are doing! It's great to be able to keep in touch this way! Thanks! Renie
