Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oooh! ... a new set of rotors

I forgot to mention this when I first started flying the UH-1H "Huey" out here. The schoolhouse is in the process of converting these pieces of history into something a bit more modern: the TH-1. Let me explain.

The UH-1 helicopter is shipped off to the factory where it is stripped of just about everything. Keep in mind, it was originally built in the late sixties - so it's no spring chicken. The factory beefs up the engine and transmission, taking the horsepower from 1400 to 1800. The steam gauges from the stone age are replaced by three slick multi-function displays. They also give it a sweet paint job.

Above: UH-1 | Below: TH-1

What you're left with is a more rugged and powerful helicopter that has a "glass" cockpit and a nice paint job. Also worth mentioning, the seats are more comfortable than the airlines! This final product is known as the TH-1. It's what I'll be flying for the rest of my time at Fort Rucker.

Above: UH-1 cockpit | Below: TH-1 cockpit

If you want more details, here's a news story about the conversion from the old to the new:

Anyways, I get to fly this beast tomorrow and can't wait to see how she handles. Lookin' forward to it.

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