Thursday, August 20, 2009

What's that Sound?

I didn't even need my alarm clock this morning. Helicopters launching on their training sorties took care of that for me a few hours before I was supposed to wake up.

In Oklahoma, I was used to the sound of T-6's buzzing over the base at 500 feet. In Alabama, there's the distant whomp-whomp of helicopters landing and taking off.

Occasionally they'll pass over the house, and that really makes a stirring. Even the squirrels will run and hide. The sound kind of creeps up on you until the chopper is suddenly overhead. You can feel the vibrations in the walls - no kidding.

Most people would find this annoying. I find it exciting. It makes me want to start flying now, but I still have about a week to go before I start class. I guess I should enjoy the last bit of free time that I have left.


  1. Eric,
    The blog looks awesome. Great job.
    Best of luck with your helicopter training. I'm sure you'll be a great chopper pilot.
    Cheers, Tony (and Emily).

  2. Eric, Looks like you live an exciting life down South. Best of luck to you.. Maybe some day you can bring me up in one of those jets? Take care. GO BUCKS! Phil Vehorn
